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Besant Theosophical Higher Secondary School
The Besant Theosophical High School was started by Sri. George Sydney Arundale on 27th June 1934. The school was founded at the express wish of Dr. Annie Besant at the time of her death in 1933. She wished a school where education without fear would be imparted to children. The school stands as a memorial to Dr. Annie Besant. Rukmini Devi took a personal interest in establishing the school along with Sri. K. Sankara Menon, the first Head Master of the school.
In 1976, when Rukmini Devi moved the institution, despite many difficulties, from The Theosophical Society to its present campus, and undertook to ensure that it remained a viable institution, she explained her commitment to the school in these words, “Dr. Besant used to say that she did not wish to have a statue as a memorial to her, but that any monument to her should be a living one in the form of boys and girls who will carry on the great message and traditions of our country…” The school flourished in its new setting which is spread over ten acres. Extensive playing fields, bright airy classroom blocks and a dedicated staff impart education to nearly 800 children, who may be seen every morning in their purple and yellow traditional davanis and white kurta pyjamas, flocking to the gates of the institution.
While the school adheres to the requirements of the Tamil Nadu State Board, it has a distinctive atmosphere due to its historical association with Kalakshetra. The school encourages its students to take part in after-school sports, as well as dance and music classes taught by senior students in Kalakshetra’s College of Fine Arts.
In June 2006, the school was upgraded as a Higher Secondary School. The Chief Minister’s Noon Meal Scheme has been carried out efficiently. The school is co-educational and follows Tamil Nadu State Syllabus (Samacheer). Education is imparted in two media:
Tamil Medium | I std. to XII std. |
English Medium | VI std. to XII std. |
Part I | Tamil |
Part II | English |
Part III | General Education as follows: |
- Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science (English Medium)
- Commerce, Accountancy, Economics & Computer Science (English Medium)
- Commerce, Accountancy, Economics, Business Maths (English Medium)